An exciting fashion collab

If you know yet or not, I wanted to share some exciting news. Just a few days H&M launched their collaboration with Mugler. I was really excited to take a look at their collection and I have to say I am not disappointed. They are selling things from jeans to swimsuits in the iconic Mugler style. What I find so interesting about these types of collaborations is that it makes designer clothes way more affordable and accessible to the middle class or anyone who doesn’t have the money to buy designer clothes. It also creates an alternative to buying fake designer clothes and bags.

I do also think that it creates more awareness towards designers, because often I notice that people only see designer brands or high fashion labels as something that only people that have money to waste spend their money and less of what the brand actually is. Also now there are so many options of buying fake bags and clothes that people don’t often value the authentic designer pice anymore as it just way too pricey for most people.

Though on the other hand there are also now many options that make learning about brands and their history and iconic style. For example as I have mentioned in the last edition the vogue runway app, where you can look at all the new and old fashion shows of different designer and save your favourites. Also these collaboration’s make people often find a feel for a certain designer and I really hope to see more of these collabs to bring high fashion labels back into play.

Now let’s get back to the actual collection of the collaboration. There are many different pieces to choose from for men and women. They brought a lot of cut outs and straps to play especially in their swim wear. I really fell in love with the corset top with mesh what I love about it that they took a trendy piece of fashion and made it their own. As often I was not the only one that was excited for the collection to come out as most of the items are already sold out online, but if you are interested I strongly encourage you to go look in the actual stores.

you can take a look at the collection right here:

that’s it for this week habe a great day and check in next week for more fashion updates and inspiration.